(CNN)-Pakistani Government on Saturday its decision, the Khyber pass mark in Afghanistan for NATO announced to open supply convoys.
The Government "To assess the security situation decided in all its aspects which Government has the NATO/ISAF supply of Pakistan and Afghanistan border at Torkham abruptly, reopen" said in a statement.
"Our authorities are now in the process of coordination with the authorities on the other side of the border to ensure proper recovery of transport supply."
A U.S. military of official told CNN that the decision was earlier expected Pakistan but full traffic is not expected until Monday.
Pakistan closed the main land route for NATO supplies, the crossing of Pakistan to Afghanistan after U.S. helicopter strikes across the border two Pakistani soldiers killed.
A report from a NATO and Pakistan evaluation team concludes that soldiers gave warning shots you know your presence to leave, but the air crew escaped assumed they were insurgents and the shots fired.
"Two helicopters of the coalition in Pakistan air several times passed," said ISAF NATO in a report this week.
"Then later a Pakistan border in response to shots fired from mail identified as fired the helicopter on a building,.""The evaluation team considered it very likely that you in an attempt to warn the helicopter of its presence triggered hatte.Leider, it was discovered after the commitment that the dead and wounded members of Pakistan Frontier were Scouts."
While the main route is closed, at least seven attacks on convoys, arranging supplies for NATO in Pakistan have taken place.The convoys are operated by contracted Pakistani companies using Pakistani trucks and drivers.
The attack was worrying for trucker drivers providing militant attacks Fayaz Mohammed said after the route closure.
"" We are very poor people, and these trucks are all we have,"he said.""We fear the Taliban might come and burn our container."
Shortly after the supply route shut down Pakistan remained the most trucks only alongside Straße.Aber have many been moved to safer yards and many fear could be attacked by militant.
Since October 1 at least six people in attacks on supply vehicles killed.
Responsibility for the recent attack said the Pakistani Taliban that Saturday was held in the Western Baluchistan province of Pakistan.
Attacker 28 oil tankers with a machine gun and rockets, attacked Meeran Bukhsh, said an official police district Bolan.Die police said the tankers caught fire, and two people were injured.
The attack by the Pakistani Taliban special squad on U.S. assets in Pakistan--conducted especially fuel trucks for the NATO spokesman Shakir said Khan.Der special squad drone founded allegedly in response to increased U.S. strikes.
"We are very proud of performance of this team, as they were able to successful NATO convoys in Pakistan, all" Khan said.
A second delivery route through Chaman in western Pakistan is open but the Pakistani Taliban threatening violence on any route used for NATO purposes.Journalist Nasir Habib and CNN's Fred Pleitgen contributed to this report.
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